Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ummm....Doc, Do You Realize I'm STILL SICK?

So it's been a week from the first time I felt all the symptoms and I still don't know what I have. I've already been to the doctors 3 times already, done numerous tests. Everything seems to come out negative and normal. However, I still have a fever, the upper abdominal pains and occasional ribcage aches. The only good thing is that I'm not vomiting anymore. Vivid details...I know and I'm sorry...But I just cant help it. I guess it's just my frustration coming out. I've been recommended to see a gastro who initially gave me an appointment 3 weeks from today. But the fact that I've threatened the receptionist to murder if this pain does not subside or be gotten rid of asap, I've managed to get the appointment TOMORROW! Yayy! So lets see how it goes...Hopefully I will have some answers soon....

1 comment:

Stajani said...

I hope you feel better soon. I think you get sick everytime you travel...not a good sign. But I know you will get better soon :)


Waking up in my apt in Manhattan this morning has been no less than a full on surreal experience, only because I didn’t know if it was going...